Environmental Management

Carbon reduction standards were raised in line with the global trends.

The Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission‭ (‬FSC‭) ‬released the Roadmap for the Sustainable Development of Listed Companies in March 2022‭. ‬However‭, ‬WT has already begun GHG inventory development as early as 2018‭ ‬and voluntarily extended the boundaries‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the external GHG inventory verification scope has been extended to include operating bases such as Hong Kong and Singapore‭ ‬logistics centers‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the GHG inventory of operating bases such as China‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬South Korea‭, ‬and Singapore was also be voluntarily completed‭ (‬without third-party verification‭). ‬In 2023‭, ‬the GHG inventory will be further extended to more operating bases and verified by a third party‭. ‬The GHG inventory of all the Group’s operating bases estimated to complete in 2025‭, ‬with‭ ‬third-party verification to be completed by 2027‭ ‬at the latest‭.‬

Environmental management spending has been increased over the years‭.

In order to fulfill its responsibility for environmental sustainability‭, ‬WT’s Taiwan and Hong Kong Logistics Centers have both been certified with ISO 14001‭: ‬Environmental Management System‭ (‬see 6-8‭ ‬for details of the effective date for the management system‭), ‬and have been developing GHG inventory for many years‭. ‬In addition to third party verification‭, ‬the inventory has been extended to include more operating bases over the years for a more precise and accurate information disclosure‭. ‬Additional environmental management training sessions have also been conducted across departments to enhance sustainable development awareness for all employees and promote reduction programs‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬training on SASB sustainability accounting‭, ‬TCFD risk management and others were introduced‭, ‬and the Taiwan headquarters invested NT$3.23‭ ‬million in environmental-oriented management systems‭, ‬training‭, ‬and related activities‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬a total of 208‭ ‬hours of training on environmental management and goal implementation were delivered at Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬and Shenzhen Logistics Centers in 2022‭.‬

Much attention has been paid to climate change in response to UN SDGs

In 2015‭, ‬the United Nations formulated the 17‭ ‬Sustainable Development Goals‭ (‬SDGs‭) ‬in hope that the collective attention of countries around the world to climate change will help stakeholders identify climate change-related risks and opportunities‭. ‬In line‭ ‬with the international trend‭, ‬WT has been improving environment-oriented development‭.‬

Increased proportion of renewable energy use

In response to the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs‭’ ‬plan to achieve 20%‭ ‬renewables in electricity generation matrix by 2025‭ ‬and the Paris Agreement’s goal to keep the temperature rise under control‭, ‬despite not being a major electricity consumer or carbon emitter which is subject prioritized control‭, ‬WT voluntarily planed and invested RMB 1.428‭ ‬million to set up a 100‭ ‬KW solar‭ ‬power generation system on the roof of the Shanghai office‭. ‬The system generates about 9,000‭ ‬kWh of electricity per month‭, ‬and the power generated is mainly for self-use‭. ‬WT will continue to conduct feasibility assessments on future green energy power generation‭, ‬voluntary purchase of green electricity‭, ‬and renewable energy certificates‭, ‬in order to adopt green energy solutions that are most beneficial to the environment‭, ‬gradually increase the proportion of renewable energy usage‭, ‬and reduce WT’s GHG emissions‭.‬

NTD 15.66million were spent on purchasing green-labeled products in 2022‭

WT‭, ‬as an IC distributor‭, ‬mainly works in electronic components trading and research and development‭. ‬Although the trade does not involve manufacturing or significant environmental pollution‭, ‬WT has been making efforts with it suppliers to develop and apply green technologies‭, ‬and mitigate the concerns about exhaustion of energy sources‭. ‬WT is committed to purchase green-labeled products whenever possible‭. ‬It has been filing its green procurement under the guidance of the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau every year‭, ‬and recognized for three consecutive years in the‭ “‬New Taipei City Private Enterprises and Organizations Green Procurement Excellence Awards Ceremony‭”. ‬The amount declared at the end of 2022‭ ‬was NTD15.66‭ ‬million‭, ‬up 5%‭ ‬from the previous year‭. ‬In the future‭, ‬WT will continue to purchase green products whenever possible as an effort towards green consumption‭,‬‭ ‬choose products that cause less harm to the environment and human health‭, ‬and give preference to products with the Environmental Protection Label‭, ‬Energy-saving Label‭, ‬Green Building Material Label‭, ‬Water-saving Label‭, ‬Category II Environmental Protection‭ ‬Label‭, ‬Carbon Footprint Reduction Label which the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency urges the private sector to choose‭.‬

WT was awarded the Excellent Enterprise of Green Consumption and Environmental Protection Volunteer by New Taipei City (Fourth from left: WT Associate Manager CHEN Yung-Ling)

WT continues to advocate the spirit of environmental sustainability‭, ‬and participate in activities such as community greening‭, ‬ecological protection‭, ‬recycling and reuse‭, ‬and sharing of old objects‭. ‬In order to shape a sustainable environment‭, ‬it also adopted‭  ‬beach cleanup areas‭, ‬and has been urging the employees to participate in beach cleanups and tree planting activities‭.‬

The protection of environmental resources has always been an issue that the world attaches great importance to‭. ‬In addition to reducing the source of pollution at all levels‭, ‬the disposal of garbage is crucial as well‭. ‬A lot of garbage discarded in the ocean are brought up to the shore by waves‭, ‬and over time‭, ‬the beautiful coast became filled with all kinds of garbage‭, ‬among which‭ ‬dead marine creatures‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬two beach cleanups were organized‭, ‬where 137‭ ‬participants removed a total of 1,484.2‭ ‬kilograms‭ ‬of marine debris‭. ‬Since 2023‭, ‬WT adopted Shimen Baisha Bay‭, ‬Kite Park‭, ‬and Laomei Lushicao Beach on the north coast of New Taipei City and organized beach cleanups on a monthly basis‭, ‬during which knowledge may be disseminated with increased interactions‭. ‬Starting from beach cleanups‭, ‬WT went further to advocate effective waste treatment‭, ‬remind individuals not to litter‭, ‬and encourage sorting at office or home‭ , ‬etc‭.‬

With the successful hiking in 2022‭, ‬a series of Gathering For Fun activities will be held in conjunction with beach cleanups in‭ ‬2023‭. ‬In addition to the beach cleanups for public interest‭, ‬employees are encouraged to go hiking for their own heath‭. ‬Employees may enjoy the beauty of the mountains in northern Taiwan and breathing in energy-boosting phytoncides with their families‭. ‬Moreover‭, ‬the participants were invited to progress through a number of challenges intended for them to better understand the background stories of each peak and each trail‭, ‬so as to enhance their knowledge and physical fitness at the same time‭.‬

The much-awaited company outings will resume in 2023‭, ‬after being suspended during the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic‭. ‬Much has been asked about the outings‭, ‬as the itineraries have been distinctive and employees are invited to come with their families‭, ‬whose expenses‭ ‬are also subsidized‭. ‬The outings are designed to offer an in-depth understanding of local cultures‭, ‬exclusive attractions‭, ‬seasonal food‭, ‬etc‭. ‬of various places in Taiwan‭, ‬and a variety of interactive games and experiences are incorporated to the program for ice breaking and team building‭.‬

Employees are offered a variety of itineraries in different styles‭, ‬including parent-child experiences‭, ‬amusement parks‭, ‬extreme‭ ‬challenges‭, ‬and sightseeing trips‭, ‬to choose from according to their interests and whether they come alone or with families‭. ‬For example‭, ‬rafting trips that would fit energetic young groups‭, ‬and parent-child itineraries that would be suitable for family outings‭. ‬The latter would feature fun attractions that parents can enjoy with their young children and DIY activities that attract all ages‭. ‬During the day‭, ‬parents can exchange parenting information with each other‭, ‬and children meet new friends and have fun together‭.‬

With the successful hiking in 2022‭, ‬a series of Gathering For Fun activities will be held in conjunction with the monthly cleanups at different beaches on the north coast in 2023‭.‬

Waste has been sorted and recycled and packaging materials reused.

WT is committed to waste reduction and recycling from the source‭, ‬and selects qualified suppliers to properly dispose the waste‭.‬‭ ‬The waste produced during WT’s operation is mainly made up of operational waste and daily-life waste discarded by employees in‭ ‬the offices‭, ‬and cartons‭, ‬paper boards‭, ‬filling materials and waste left from carton sealing at the logistics centers‭. ‬They are‭ ‬all non-hazardous waste‭.‬

In order to reduce the amount of waste generated at logistics centers‭, ‬the packaging materials required for logistics operations‭, ‬such as cartons‭, ‬cardboard boxes‭, ‬paper boards‭, ‬etc‭., ‬are actively cut down from the source‭. ‬At receiving‭, ‬empty cartons are recycled and to be reused for shipping packaging‭; ‬and for shipping‭, ‬either reusable or bio-degradable recycled materials are used‭ ‬for packaging‭. ‬WT has a centralized waste management system‭, ‬and keeps a regular record of waste quantity and waste transport data‭.‬

In order to achieve the goal of reducing the amount of waste‭, ‬efforts have also been made in daily office management to buy less‭ ‬disposable consumer goods‭, ‬use durable and recyclable products whenever possible‭, ‬enhance employee education campaign on waste‭ ‬reduction and carbon reduction‭, ‬and engage in waste sorting and recycling‭. ‬As of the end of 2022‭, ‬those wastes sent to the waste‭ ‬treatment facilities were all non-hazardous‭, ‬those diverted from disposal were to be recycled and prepared for reuse only‭, ‬and‭ ‬those‭  ‬directed to disposal were to be incinerated‭ (‬with energy recovery‭) ‬only‭. ‬No waste was land-filled‭.‬

In 2022‭, ‬the Hong Kong and Singapore logistics centers began to be kept track of for waste‭. ‬A total of 101.2‭ ‬metric tons of waste were incinerated‭ (‬with energy recovery‭) ‬in Taiwan‭, ‬a decrease of 17.1‭ ‬metric tons from 2021‭. ‬The results show a year-on-year reduction in daily-life waste‭, ‬and represent an achievement of WT’s continuous efforts in environmental protection‭.‬


Commitment to Ethical Corporate Management

The global corporate governance philosophy of transparency and anti-corruption has been followed. Integrity is WT’s most important core value and business philosophy‭. ‬Employees must abide by clear moral standards and code of conduct‭, ‬and do their utmost to fulfill our commitments to shareholders‭, ‬banks‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬vendors and other suppliers‭,

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Green Design and Investment

Innovation of products and management are accelerated to meet the new challenges of sustainable development. The market is changing constantly with new and different product applications‭. ‬In response‭, ‬product design must not only take into account the cost‭, ‬function and quality of a product‭, ‬but also the innovation of and

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Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The

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Talent Development

Complete career planning is offered with a blueprint for sustainable development of talents. An enterprise’s development stems from its belief in talent cultivation‭. ‬WT group values the comprehensive development of employees and creates a work environment suitable for the right people‭. ‬In a fast-changing environment‭, ‬in order to equip the

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