Identification of Stakeholders

The expectations of stakeholders are valued for effective corporate sustainability practices.

WT continues to involve stakeholders to ensure a communication and response mechanism is in place for sustainability issues‭. ‬WT‭ ‬followed the principles of AA1000‭ ‬Stakeholder Engagement Standard‭, ‬which are‭  ‬impact‭, ‬materiality‭, ‬inclusivity‭, ‬and responsiveness‭, ‬to identified key stakeholder groups‭. ‬An evaluation and discussion by WT’s functional executives involved in the sustainability effort concluded that the operating environment in 2022‭ ‬was not significantly different from that in 2021‭, ‬and that the key‭ ‬stakeholder groups were therefore the same as identified previously‭, ‬which are shareholders/lenders‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬vendors‭, ‬and other suppliers‭.‬

The five stakeholder groups‭, ‬whose involvement with WT’s operations vary in significance and interactivity‭, ‬are engaged in parallel by different departments through various communication channels‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the communication and engagement efforts continued‭ ‬and produced results‭.‬

For subsequent issue impact analysis‭, ‬19‭ ‬sustainability issues were identified in accordance with global sustainability report disclosure norms or standards‭ (‬such as GRI‭, ‬SASB‭, ‬TCFD‭), ‬attributes of technology industries‭, ‬external sustainability reports‭, ‬and other information‭.‬

Global Carbon Yearbook Guided Reading as part of WT’s ESG initiative

A sustainable planet is a matter for global citizens The Global Carbon Yearbook is an authoritative work across fields and regions‭. ‬Covering 41‭ ‬countries in the world‭, ‬it is contributed by more than 300‭ ‬writers‭, ‬scientists‭, ‬illustrators‭, ‬and environmentalists and translated into 38‭ ‬languages‭. ‬The Yearbook summarizes all the research results and latest data on carbon in the world today with regard to corporate business strategies‭, ‬global environmental economy‭, ‬environmental engineering‭, ‬climatology‭, ‬and climate change‭.‬ On December 8‭, ‬2022‭, ‬Willie Sun‭, ‬WT’s Chief Sustainability Officer‭, ‬mediated the guided reading‭, ‬and invited 120‭ ‬individuals including representatives from upstream manufacturers and downstream customers in the supply chain‭, ‬as well as stakeholders such as‭ ‬employees and banks‭, ‬to participate in the event‭. ‬The Guided Reading was conducted by asking questions such as‭, ‬why we need to‭ ‬understand the matter of‭ carbon‭? ‬How we implement ESG in our business operations and personal daily life‭? ‬And why the world continues to pay attention to the issue of‭ ‬carbon‭. ‬From common sense to knowledge‭, ‬the Guided Reading was intended to reveal the‭ ‬truth about‭ carbon‭.‬


Water Resource Management

Active implementation and education have achieved remarkable results in water conservation. The water intake at WT’s operating bases in Taiwan are mainly used for circulated water of air conditioners and daily-life water‭ ‬consumed by employees in office areas‭. ‬The water is entirely sourced from the local water companies‭ (‬fresh water‭)

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Workplace Safety

Hazards are prevented to create a safe and safe workplace for employees. WT adheres to the occupational safety and health‭ (‬OSH‭) ‬policy of‭ “protecting employees and preventing hazards‭”. ‬It put in place‭ ‬an OSH system pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Law‭, ‬and appoints OSH managers‭, ‬fire protection

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Refined Tax Policy

Taxes are not only a cornerstone of national governments‭’ ‬provision of local infrastructure and public services‭, ‬but also an important source of funding to attain global sustainable development goals‭. ‬In response to changes in global tax environment‭, ‬increasingly complex cross-border transactions and global anti-avoidance trends‭, ‬we continue to interact and

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Action Guidelines for Sustainable Management

Determining the Company’s core sustainability management issues WT has sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental‭, ‬social‭, ‬corporate governance‭, ‬economic and trade compliance which‭ ‬were voluntarily formulated Sustainable Development Team and subsequently approved and published by the Chairman of the Board under authorization of the Board of Directors‭.‬ The Senior Vice

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