Energy Management

Energy and electricity saving start from the purchase of green energy and electricity.

WT’s total energy consumption was 16,271‭ ‬GJ in 2022‭, ‬with an increase due to the inclusion of operating bases in China and South‭ ‬Korea in the scope‭. ‬The biggest source of energy was non-renewable electricity purchased from power companies‭, ‬accounting for 95.27%‭ ‬of the total consumption‭, ‬and the others were gasoline and diesel used by company fleet‭. ‬As of the end of 2022‭, ‬the non-renewable energy utilization rate was 100%‭, ‬and no renewable energy has been used‭. ‬The Shanghai Office is planned to be equipped with solar power generation systems in 2023‭ ‬to increase the utilization rate of renewables‭.‬

The total electricity consumption was 4.3061‭ ‬MWh in 2022‭, ‬of which the total electricity consumption in the areas where the GHG‭ ‬emissions inventory was verified‭ (‬logistics centers in Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong and Singapore‭) ‬was 3.0889‭ ‬MWh‭. ‬The electricity consumption intensity was 76.88‭ ‬kWh/m²‭, ‬down 0.63%‭ ‬compared to 2021‭.‬

As fuel consumption is closely related to the operating activities‭, ‬the combined energy intensity of gasoline and diesel was therefore measured by revenue‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the energy intensity of gasoline and diesel was 0.0013‭ ‬GJ/million NTD-revenue‭, ‬significantly down 18.75%‭ ‬from 2021‭.‬

Note 1‭:‬See 6-5‭ ‬GHG Inventory and Verification Situations for organizational boundaries‭.‬

Note 2‭:‬In 2022‭, ‬the operating bases in China‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬South Korea‭, ‬and Singapore were newly-included in the voluntary inventory scope‭. ‬Due to the nature of electricity consumption in which form the majority of the energy was consumed by WT‭, ‬the energy consumption intensity was measured by floor area‭, ‬and the coverage rate of the energy disclose scope was 99.06%‭ ‬in 2022‭.‬

Note 3‭:‬The electricity data were taken from the electricity bills of each bases‭, ‬and the gasoline and diesel data were taken from the record on the CPC Electronic Billing and Collection System‭ (‬EBCS‭) ‬and the fuel invoices‭.‬

Note 4‭:Thermal conversion factor for electricity‭: ‬1‭ ‬kWh purchased electricity‭ = ‬0.0036‭ ‬GJ‭;‬

Note 5‭:‬Thermal conversion factors for fuels were taken from the Annual Energy Report of the Bureau of Energy‭, ‬Ministry of Economic Affairs‭, ‬which were 1‭ ‬liter of motor gasoline‭ = ‬7,800‭ ‬kcal‭, ‬and 1‭ ‬liter of diesel oil‭ = ‬8,400‭ ‬kcal‭.‬

Note 6‭:‬1‭ ‬kcal‭ = ‬4,186‭ ‬joules

Note 7‭:‬The electricity intensity was measured by floor area‭, ‬see Note 7‭ ‬for GHG Emissions Intensity‭; ‬the gasoline and diesel combined intensity was measured by annual revenue‭, ‬see 2-2‭ ‬Stable Financial Performance for operating incomes of the years‭.‬


Environmental Management

Carbon reduction standards were raised in line with the global trends. The Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission‭ (‬FSC‭) ‬released the Roadmap for the Sustainable Development of Listed Companies in March 2022‭. ‬However‭, ‬WT has already begun GHG inventory development as early as 2018‭ ‬and voluntarily extended the boundaries‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the

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Inclusive Workplace

A work environment of mutual trust and respect between employers and employees is created through communication and trust. WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between management and labors‭. ‬Work‭ ‬rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor

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Health Management

Health of every employee is valued with prevention and promotion measures. WT currently has a full-time health manager in Taiwan to plan and promote employee health management‭. ‬In addition to providing health check consultation and advice to employees‭, ‬doctors are also invited to the company every month for medical consultation

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Talent Development

Complete career planning is offered with a blueprint for sustainable development of talents. An enterprise’s development stems from its belief in talent cultivation‭. ‬WT group values the comprehensive development of employees and creates a work environment suitable for the right people‭. ‬In a fast-changing environment‭, ‬in order to equip the

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