Health Management

Health of every employee is valued with prevention and promotion measures.

WT currently has a full-time health manager in Taiwan to plan and promote employee health management‭. ‬In addition to providing health check consultation and advice to employees‭, ‬doctors are also invited to the company every month for medical consultation services‭. ‬Employees are entitled to a health check expense subsidy once every year‭, ‬which is better than required by the laws and‭ ‬regulations‭. ‬There is also a flexible accumulation system‭, ‬allowing employees to choose from a wider range of checkup items with the amount accumulated for up to two years‭. ‬In the middle of 2021‭, ‬due to a severe COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak‭, ‬the annual health checkup program was suspended in order to protect the safety of employees‭, ‬so the annual health checkup rate was a relatively low of 28%‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬as the COVID-19‭ ‬situation improved‭, ‬it was resumed after evaluating and considering a number of matters‭, ‬and the checkup rate was as high as 83%‭.‬

A variety of health checkup packages‭ (‬such as cardiovascular programs‭, ‬gastroenteroscopy programs‭, ‬etc‭.) ‬were planned and provided to employees to choose from‭. ‬After the health checkup‭, ‬a professional team will analyze and explain the report‭, ‬define management standard by health checkup result levels‭, ‬and give appropriate treatment accordingly‭; ‬Level 1‭ ‬is normal‭, ‬Level 2‭ ‬will be given occupational health education guidance‭, ‬Level 3‭ ‬be given occupational medical consultation and health education‭, ‬and Level 4‭ ‬be referred to specialized medical attention or treatment after an occupational medical interview‭.‬

The epidemic situation in 2022‭ ‬was still not taken lightly‭. ‬Continuous environmental disinfection operations and epidemic prevention safety and health management were still the top priorities‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬free Oriental Influenza Cell Culture Vaccines were‭ ‬offered to 323‭ ‬individuals‭. ‬The health lectures which used to be held in-person were video-recorded and put on the online education and training platform for employees to learn healthcare and well-being knowledge‭. ‬To assist employees who were ill with COVID-19‭ ‬or under inconvenient quarantine‭, ‬care boxes were offered‭, ‬and a dedicated person was appointed to provide necessary assistance during the period‭. ‬Since June 2022‭, ‬448‭ ‬boxes have been sent out‭ (‬as of February 2023‭). ‬Each office has an emergency contact person‭, ‬who was appointed to provide effective first aid instructions in case of emergency‭. ‬Otherwise‭, ‬there are blood pressure gauges available at designated locations to look after the health of employees at any time‭. ‬WT also put in place multi-functional classrooms exclusively accessible by employees‭, ‬and organizes various sports courses to encourage employees to develop good‭ ‬exercise habits‭, ‬and enhances their awareness of self-health management‭.‬

In 2023‭, ‬physical therapists are planned to be invited on-site every quarter to provide guidance on the prevention of ergonomic‭ ‬hazards‭, ‬dress and bandage in the case of muscle soreness and discomfort after exercise‭, ‬and give advice on how to exercise correctly‭. ‬The frequency of on-site visits will be increased subject to the needs of employees‭.‬

Four major plans for employee health protection

Maternal health protection program

WT Taiwan employees‭, ‬including cleaning and other contractors‭, ‬are all eligible for WT’s four major health protection plans‭. ‬There is no shift or night work‭. ‬In addition to maternity inspection leave‭, ‬employees are entitled to maternity leave and parental‭ ‬leave as specified by the laws and regulations‭. ‬The Maternal Health Protection Plan was introduced to ensure the childcare-work‭ ‬balance for female employees‭. ‬The Plan provides dedicated nursing rooms‭, ‬professional health and safety consultations during pregnancy‭, ‬postpartum and lactation periods during maternal health protection‭, ‬as well as priority parking spaces and other maternity-friendly work environment measures‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬related publications in the reading area are available for borrowing‭, ‬such as Mombaby‭, ‬Parenting magazines‭, ‬etc‭..‬

Prevention of abnormal workload-triggered diseases

In order to avoid abnormal workloads‭, ‬supervisors at all levels are required to take the initiative to care for the labor conditions of employees‭. ‬Any health problems may be reported to the health manager for assistance and care‭. ‬Health consultation and abnormal workload assessment are available during the monthly doctor consultation service‭.‬

Illegal infringement prevention‭ ‬

WT posts related announcements in the workplace‭, ‬and clearly stipulates the complaint hotline and dedicated e-mail in the work rules‭. ‬If an employee is sexually harassed‭, ‬stalked or illegally violated in the performance of duties‭, ‬a complain may be filed‭. ‬In order to protect the rights and interests of the complainant‭, ‬the person who accepts the complaint will handle it in a confidential manner‭, ‬and will not disclose the name of the complainant or other relevant information sufficient to identify the complainant‭. ‬the person receiving the complaint shall make a written record of the handling of the case‭, ‬and follow the guidelines for‭ ‬the prevention of illegal infringement in the performance of his or her duties‭. ‬The relevant proceeding records shall be kept for three years‭.‬

Prevention of ergonomic hazards‭ 

The nature of WT’s work is mainly static work in the office area for a long time‭, ‬which may have impacts on chronic muscle‭, ‬fascia‭, ‬and intervertebral discs‭. ‬WT provides employees with adjustable desks and chairs to reduce the risk of such ergonomic hazards‭. ‬The workstation can be adjusted according to individual needs‭, ‬so that workers can work according to correct vision and healthy posture‭. ‬There are also standing rest office areas to reduce sitting time‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬seven robot vacuum cleaners were purchased for the cleaning staff to reduce repetitive gestures‭.‬

Relevant awareness posters have been posted on the health bulletin board on each floor‭. ‬Professional physical therapists are planned to be invited to provide one-on-one consultation and health education in 2023‭ ‬to adjust incorrect posture‭, ‬relieve discomfort‭, ‬and provide treatment when necessary‭, ‬such as fastening to relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome‭.‬

Health promotion

WT organized a weight loss game from March to May 2017‭ ‬which was participated enthusiastically by a total of 197‭ ‬individuals and‭ ‬46‭ ‬groups‭. ‬The game lasted for three months and saw a total of 534‭ ‬kilograms lost‭. ‬Encouraged by the success in 2017‭ ‬and in response to the impact of the epidemic on lifestyle and pace in recent years‭, ‬WT decided to organize another weight loss game and offer more competitions and prizes‭, ‬so that employees can improve their health and physical fitness through the weight loss event‭.‬

A series of weight loss activities were held from October 2022‭ ‬to January 2023‭. ‬During the 15-week game period‭, ‬weekly challenge‭ ‬tasks were offered with point collection activities‭, ‬healthy exercise courses‭. ‬Those who achieve good results every week received healthy meals for one week‭, ‬and those who achieve the goals will receive points to be collected‭.‬

During the weight loss‭, ‬due to the gradually increased difficulty of the task challenges‭, ‬many contestants had the idea of giving up‭. ‬However‭, ‬every time they gathered for weighing‭, ‬they cheered each other up‭, ‬shared experiences‭, ‬and exchanged weight loss‭ ‬tips‭. ‬Heartwarming and vying at the same time‭, ‬the game increased interaction and communication among employees‭. ‬The contestants‭ ‬hung on in until they saw the amount of weight lost from the weighing scale with a sense of achievement‭. ‬Some people were moved‭ ‬to tears when they saw their own photos before and after weight loss on the results day‭. ‬The weight loss game came to a perfect‭ ‬ending with vigorous rounds of applause‭.‬

The game strives for healthy weight loss and effective fat loss‭. ‬In order to allow employees to lose weight and fat step by step‭, ‬professional coaches were commissioned to design exercise courses‭, ‬which include systematic aerobic exercise and muscle strength training for muscle gain and fat loss‭. ‬The contestants were also provided dietary advice and physical sculpture guidance in accordance with personal physical conditions‭.‬

Several award winners mentioned in their testimonials that they successfully lost weight thanks to their own willpower and perseverance‭, ‬as well as mutual encouragement among employees‭, ‬and that healthy diet and proper exercise are the only ways to lose weight‭. ‬Apparently‭, ‬the weight loss game not only achieved the goal of health promotion‭, ‬but also enhanced the revolutionary sentiment among employees‭. ‬Health is more than the decreasing readings on the scale at the end of the game‭, ‬but a matter of long-term‭ ‬struggle‭. ‬Therefore‭, ‬a‭ “‬Persistence Award‭” ‬was put in place for those who maintained health without regaining weight‭. ‬The game‭ ‬had a limited time and incentives‭, ‬but it is WT’s relentless pursuit to keep every employee healthy‭. ‬The game was participated by a total of 423‭ ‬individuals and 85‭ ‬groups from the Taiwan headquarters‭. ‬By the end of the game‭, ‬the total weight loss was 890‭ ‬kg‭. ‬The number of participants and total weight loss have both increased significantly compared to 2017‭.‬


Improved Corporate Governance

Strengthened risk control and self-monitoring to adapt to market conditions 2022 Corporate Governance Facts WT was ranked in the top 5% in the listed companies category, and top 10% in the OTC/TWSE-listed companies in electronics sector with NT$10 billion plus market value category of the 9th Corporate Governance Evaluation The

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Response to Climate Change

WT’s strategy and management in response climate change Climate change is an issue that needs the world to face together‭, ‬no matter who‭. ‬As a distributor in the semiconductor sector‭, ‬WT has operating bases‭, ‬partners‭, ‬collaborators‭, ‬and vendors all over the world and they are all subject to impacts of

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Further Digital Optimization

Operational efficiency was improved toward low-carbon services Following the establishment of a well-structured enterprise database‭, ‬which was the Phase I goal of digital transformation‭, ‬the‭ ‬Phase II kicked off in 2022‭ ‬to introduce digital tools and technologies for a comprehensive review and analysis of supply chain‭ ‬operations such as procurement‭,

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Commitment to Ethical Corporate Management

The global corporate governance philosophy of transparency and anti-corruption has been followed. Integrity is WT’s most important core value and business philosophy‭. ‬Employees must abide by clear moral standards and code of conduct‭, ‬and do their utmost to fulfill our commitments to shareholders‭, ‬banks‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬vendors and other suppliers‭,

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