Stakeholder Meeting

5 Key Facets to Identify Key Stakeholders

Through the AA1000 SES standard, WT identifies important stakeholders through five significant aspects: “responsibility, influence, tension, diverse viewpoints, and dependability”. Key stakeholders are identified into five categories: shareholders/banks, customers, employees, upstream suppliers, and other suppliers.

5 categories of key stakeholder meeting results

The five types of stakeholders encompass different values and interactions with WT’s operations. By negotiating through various communication methods, different departments continued to communicate and cooperate in 2021 to produce various results.

GRI Substantive Themes for Top 3 Issues

Based on the results of the sustainability issues survey, we analyzed the top three sustainability issues of interest to various stakeholders, and revealed the strategies, management approaches and plans for promoting these issues in relation to the substantive GRI themes.


Health management

Regular health check-ups and exercise encouragement Enhancing our staff’s overall resistance to the pandemic WT provides annual physicals for employees that are superior to standard ones, and plans diversified support programs. In addition to legal items, employees can also customize the contents of their physicals. After the physical, professional teams will analyze the reports and follow up on any abnormalities. In addition, WT has also set up a full-time healthcare manager to assist colleagues with

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Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan makes up for the shortcomings with love In a special issue, Kerry Hsu, the co-founder of WT, wrote about the 30th anniversary of the premature birth of her baby, saying ′′Life is supposed to be beautiful, but there are always exceptions! When we encounter life’s shortcomings, it is certainly a journey of extraordinary and miraculous events. This miracle is to witness the grace of life, to feel the resilient will

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Focus on risk managementStrive for self-monitoring to align with the times WT has established a corporate governance structure to manage its business in accordance with the ROC Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We aim to pursue the long-term interests of our shareholders by enhancing corporate performance and accountability and by balancing the interests of our stakeholders.Under the Board of Directors are an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee

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Report Description

WT Microelectronics'(hereafter abbreviated as WT)2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″)is as follows: BASIS OF DISCLOSURE The information contained herein follows and was written according to the GRI standards (GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards) of the 2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″). This report is also based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) Multiline and Specialty Retailers and Distributors (MSR) Industry and the Task Force on Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures

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