Analysis of important disclosure issues

Survey on 18 sustainability issues, 495 valid questionnaires returned

In order to understand the concerns and expectations of important stakeholders on sustainability at WT, a survey questionnaire covering 18 sustainability issues was developed with reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and related issues in the industry, as well as information collected from sustainability reports of other related enterprise. The survey was sent to stakeholders via the responsible department, and 495 valid questionnaires were returned for WT to comprehend stakeholders’major concerns.

Aggregate key stakeholder’s concerns and assess the level of impact

We conducted statistics and analyses on the stakeholders’sustainability questionnaires to compile their level of concerns. After discussions led by WT’s 15 senior executives, the extent of possible economic, environmental and social impacts and the likelihood of occurrence of each issue were evaluated with respect to each issue.

We have compiled the concerns of important stakeholders and evaluated the impact and potential of sustainability issues on the economic/environmental/social operations of WT, and listed six important issues such as information security, financial performance, Ethical management, talent attraction and retention, talent development, and sustainable supply chain, etc. In addition, considering the increasing importance of climate change, we added “Climate Change” as an issue. These seven issues will be the basis of the 2021 Sustainability Report.

In 2021, we will adopt a different approach to managing sustainability issues than we did in 2020, using the GRI themes as the sustainability issues survey in 2020. Among them, seven are in line with the major issues for 2020, while four substantive GRI themes, including indirect economic impact, labor/management relations, non-discrimination, and customer privacy, have been removed. Three new issues highly relevant to human capital are added, including market presence, training and education, diversity and equal opportunity. Energy, information security and social assessment of the supply chain have also been issues of great concern to the public in recent years.

14 GRI substantive themes, 24 disclosure indicators

We examine the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines’ (GRI) 33 economic, environmental, and social themes, mapping them to key disclosure issues, and selected 14 substantive themes of relevance and 24 disclosure indicators to be covered in the 2021 report.

Defining the Sustainability Report’s Disclosure Boundary

The disclosure team held a meeting to review each important disclosure issue one by one, the impact of each issue on WT and throughout the value chain, later confirmed the disclosure boundary within the organization, which varies slightly depending on each issue.


Inclusive Workplace

We value communication and incentive To develop mutual trust and respect between the employer and employees in the workplace WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between employers and employees. Work rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and relevant laws and regulations, and Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles has also been formulated to specifically regulate the rights and obligations

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Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction StandardsResponding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1%

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Report Description

WT Microelectronics'(hereafter abbreviated as WT)2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″)is as follows: BASIS OF DISCLOSURE The information contained herein follows and was written according to the GRI standards (GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards) of the 2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″). This report is also based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) Multiline and Specialty Retailers and Distributors (MSR) Industry and the Task Force on Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures

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Health management

Regular health check-ups and exercise encouragement Enhancing our staff’s overall resistance to the pandemic WT provides annual physicals for employees that are superior to standard ones, and plans diversified support programs. In addition to legal items, employees can also customize the contents of their physicals. After the physical, professional teams will analyze the reports and follow up on any abnormalities. In addition, WT has also set up a full-time healthcare manager to assist colleagues with

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