Ethical Management

Transparency, anti-corruption
Convergence with the global corporate governance business philosophy

In 2020, WT developed the Social Policy & Code of Conduct, UNCAC Anti-corruption Policy, and the SDGs Policy. These standards align with global corporate governance and anti-corruption concepts and frameworks, including Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations, etc.

WT has always believed that a social policy and code of conduct are core requirements for conducting all operational activities in order to gain a competitive advantage and to do the right thing. The high ethical standards of all members of the leadership team not only inspire trust in the Company’s operations, but also create a strong and supportive working environment for employees. the social policy and code of conduct are also principles for members of the Board, all employees, group subsidiaries, independent contractors, consultants, suppliers and all those who deal with WT.

WT expects employees to be fully aware of company policies, procedures and controls to protect the company and themselves from potential legal, regulatory or disciplinary risks. An annual mandatory course on Ethical Values and Code of Conduct is taught to employees. 2,309 employees of the entire group were listed as trainees at the start of the course in 2021, and 2,309 of them have completed the course and passed the test (100% pass rate). In addition, important management rules and regulations, such as the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles, the Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles, the Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles, the Codes of Ethical Conduct, Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct, were introduced during orientation training. In 2021, the total number of trainees at each of the Taiwan operations sites reached 206, all of whom have completed training, with a total of 412 hours of training.

WT’s reporting channels include an internal reporting mailbox and a reporting sector on the official website for informants to report illegal acts of the company’s personnel. The Ethical Business Promotion Team accepts cases and is responsible for forwarding them to the highest supervisors of relevant units for investigation and tracking the final outcome of the cases. The identity of the informant, the contents of the report and the investigation process will be kept confidential, and complete records will be kept. In addition, there is a sexual harassment complaint mechanism and a reporting hotline for employees to file complaints, and the contents of the reports and the investigation process are treated with strict confidentiality. No cases were received from external parties or directly reported by employees in 2021, and no significant dishonest acts or sexual harassment occurred.

WT seeks to promote honest and ethical conduct, to deter wrongdoing, and to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to all locations in which it operates. As of the end of 2021, there were no significant violations in the economic, environmental and social fields (including human rights, disability injuries, etc.) that were sanctioned by the competent authorities.

Zero Tolerance for Corruption! WT’s communication mechanism for whistle blowers

WT responds to whistleblowing incidents, providing a transparent and accessible channel for communication. All employees are encouraged to speak up without fear when they discover a violation of the Company’s ethics policy. It is available to suppliers, customers and other third parties.



WT sends warmth to frontline healthcare workers with practical action In May 2021, Taiwan was completely sealed off due to the pandemic with many people working from home. We could only hear the sound of ambulances whistling past, which was terrifying. WT donated epidemic prevention funds and materials amounting to NT$5 million to support front-line epidemic prevention hospitals, fire departments and medical personnel, including the emergency epidemic prevention funds of Shuangho Hospital in New Taipei

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Inclusive Workplace

We value communication and incentive To develop mutual trust and respect between the employer and employees in the workplace WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between employers and employees. Work rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and relevant laws and regulations, and Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles has also been formulated to specifically regulate the rights and obligations

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Analysis of important disclosure issues

Survey on 18 sustainability issues, 495 valid questionnaires returned In order to understand the concerns and expectations of important stakeholders on sustainability at WT, a survey questionnaire covering 18 sustainability issues was developed with reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and related issues in the industry, as well as information collected from sustainability reports of other related enterprise. The survey was sent to stakeholders via the responsible department, and 495 valid questionnaires were returned

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Energy management

Save Energy with Green Purchasing In 2021, WT’s total energy consumption is 8,168.08 GJ, of which the most important energy source is non-renewable electricity purchased from power companies, with electricity consumption accounting for 91.18% of the total consumption, while the rest is fuel used in ccompany work vehicles. In the future, depending on the overall energy policy and climate change issues, proper planning and setting will be made to target the use of renewable energy.

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