Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan makes up for the shortcomings with love

In a special issue, Kerry Hsu, the co-founder of WT, wrote about the 30th anniversary of the premature birth of her baby, saying ′′Life is supposed to be beautiful, but there are always exceptions! When we encounter life’s shortcomings, it is certainly a journey of extraordinary and miraculous events. This miracle is to witness the grace of life, to feel the resilient will of life to survive, to see a team of angels who guard premature babies, and to be so lucky as to encounter the medical quality that cultivates life’s silent call for help, to greatly enhance the right to live in the tug of war between life and death, and to return to the path of life’s beauty.′′

Thumbelina a Chance to Reclaim a Bright Future

The percentage of premature births in Taiwan now exceeds 10%. The impact of a premature birth on the child, the family, and even society as a whole in terms of medical expenses is considerable. The birth of a premature baby foretells a difficult process of growth, but with proper medical care, modern medicine can provide a high survival rate for premature babies. This is one of the goals of the Premature Baby Foundation’s long-term efforts: to support good quality medical care for premature babies and to reduce neonatal mortality and disability.

According to the National Health Agency’s birth report for 2020, 16,517 newborns were born with a body weight of less than 2,500g, which is about 10.16% of the total number of births in that year. From 2015 to the present, the Foundation has invested a total of NT$ 8,088,903 in the prevention and treatment of premature births, the promotion of the tracking of pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies, and preventive health care during pregnancy.

Little Feet Deserve Big Chances, Too: Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan 30th Anniversary

The birth rate in Taiwan is at a record low, but the percentage of preterm births is at a record high. Shan- Shan’s mother, Kerry Hsu, who has experienced a preterm birth, wants to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and treatment of preterm births and to promote a child-friendly environment.


Action Guidelines for Sustainable Management

Determining the Company’s core sustainability management issues WT has sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental‭, ‬social‭, ‬corporate governance‭, ‬economic and trade compliance which‭ ‬were voluntarily formulated Sustainable Development Team and subsequently approved and published by the Chairman of the Board under authorization of the Board of Directors‭.‬ The Senior Vice

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Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The

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Shennong Project

An acre of field on campus to start land education with “busy farming” Huaren Elementary School is located in the Liou Tribe of Dongchang Village, Jian Township, Hualien County. It is located in the vast alluvial plain of the lower reaches of the Jian River, and geographically suitable for planting.

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Reading program overcomes boundaries In 2022‭, ‬WT Education Foundation launched the One on One online reading program‭.‬ This project uses Internet technology to overcome the limitations of geographical barriers‭. ‬Volunteers are committed to weekly one-on-one sessions for school children in rural areas with aim to open up their horizons and

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