Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest

In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The questionnaires were distributed by respective responsible departments to different stakeholder groups‭, ‬so that the executives may understand each stakeholder group‭’ ‬level of interest for each of the sustainability issues‭. ‬A total of 802‭ ‬questionnaires were returned‭, ‬of which 611‭ ‬were valid‭. ‬

Top three issues of concern

The survey results were analyzed to find out the top three sustainability issues of concern for each stakeholder group‭. ‬WT matched the issues to GRI material topics‭, ‬and disclosed relevant implementation strategies‭, ‬managing policies and plans accordingly‭.‬

The issues were assessed for actual and potential impacts

Each of the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues was assessed by the 22‭ ‬ESG Sustainable Development Team members for severity and probability‭. ‬The severity is evaluated by the levels of positive and negative impacts‭. ‬An issue involving an actual or potential human rights risk is assigned the highest severity level‭. ‬With the stakeholders‭’ ‬degrees of concern for the issues also taken into account‭, ‬a three-dimensional analysis matrix was created as an impact level assessment tool to continuously track the impacts of the sustainability issues‭.‬

20‭ ‬disclosure indicators for 11‭ ‬GRI material topics

We matched key disclosures with the 33‭ ‬economical‭, ‬environmental or social topics of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards‭,‬‭ ‬and identified 11‭ ‬relevant material topics and 20‭ ‬disclosure indicators related to these topics‭. ‬We also consulted the SASB sustainable accounting standards for disclosures relevant to our selected material issues‭.‬

Organizational boundary was defined for the Sustainability Report

The key disclosure issues were individually reviewed for their respective impacts on WT and throughout the value chain at an ESG‭ ‬Sustainable Development Team meeting‭, ‬where the Team members also determined that WT would be the organizational boundary of the Report and the definition of impact scope would vary slightly with issue‭.‬

Nine material issues were disclosed in the Sustainability Report 2022

Each stakeholder group’s respective significance to WT was considered according to the reasoning of sustainability impact assessment‭, ‬and their opinions were incorporated in the implementation and management of each sustainability issue to ensure optimal efficiency and maximum momentum towards sustainability‭.‬

Stakeholders were valued in the proposed response and planning strategies‭.‬

Each stakeholder group’s respective significance to WT was considered according to the reasoning of sustainability impact assessment‭, ‬and their opinions were incorporated in the implementation and management of each sustainability issue to ensure optimal efficiency and maximum momentum towards sustainability‭.‬


WT Corporate Core Values and Principles

We adhere to a set of definite ethical guidelines‭. ‬Integrity is the fundamental core value of WT and the integral component for‭ ‬all decision-making‭. ‬We always behave honestly and sincerely in all our interactions‭.‬ We stand firm in our commitment to vendors‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬shareholders and society as a whole‭.

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Enhanced Information Security

A dedicated division was set up to strengthen information security management. In view of the growing importance of information security and increasingly rampant cyber attacks‭, ‬WT set up a dedicated Information Security Department and installed a Chief Information Security Officer at the level of deputy general manager in 2022‭. ‬The

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Water Resource Management

Active implementation and education have achieved remarkable results in water conservation. The water intake at WT’s operating bases in Taiwan are mainly used for circulated water of air conditioners and daily-life water‭ ‬consumed by employees in office areas‭. ‬The water is entirely sourced from the local water companies‭ (‬fresh water‭)

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Identification of Stakeholders

The expectations of stakeholders are valued for effective corporate sustainability practices. WT continues to involve stakeholders to ensure a communication and response mechanism is in place for sustainability issues‭. ‬WT‭ ‬followed the principles of AA1000‭ ‬Stakeholder Engagement Standard‭, ‬which are‭  ‬impact‭, ‬materiality‭, ‬inclusivity‭, ‬and responsiveness‭, ‬to identified key stakeholder groups‭.

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