Letter from the CEO

Sustainability makes us see ourselves better.

ESG is a game changer that has been drawing global attention.Indeed, the sustainability of the Earth determines the sustainability of an enterprise, and the pursuit of sustainability is meant to be part of our everyday practice. The implementation, advocating and learning of sustainability start from self-awareness, and incorporating the comprehension, contribution and communication of employees, upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain, customers and other stakeholders.

When is the best time to go net-zero carbon emissions? It is never too late to act. Complying  “net-zero carbon emissions”  is a serious commitment. Confronting business operations and limited resources in the fast-changing circumstances, WT made a prudent assessment for the path of carbon reduction based on a comprehensive inventory of greenhouse gases. We took into account the actual impact of climate change on our operations before implementing our operational strategy for zero carbon emissions one step at a time.

I have been grateful that WT is a strong team with a consensus goal and common direction. We managed to learn and explore the impact of ESG in all aspects while growing our business by 28% in 2022. Despite the challenges and constant adjustments along the way, the momentum to go ahead is always there. We began with scrutinizing ourselves in every micro step by which we gained a deeper understanding of how we are doing at status quo. From there, we are able to keep up with the times and made us a stronger team by improving our professional competence, adjusting our organizational structure, revising our governance, training our staff, and enhancing our sustainability.

The future of the Earth is shaped by the footprints we leave behind.

We create the world we want. The Earth is not something outside of us, but instead we all live in. What we hear and see on our walk is a choice we made. Choosing to achieve sustainability poses a challenge to our habitual way of thinking, as trade-off is inevitable due to limited resources. Fortunately, our partners in the supply chain have been the creators of the plan and solving problems, particularly in response to extremely tight labor markets, inflation, shortage of raw materials, technological innovation and competition, the assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and risks of different countries. The turbulent and uncertain current situation tests our powers to advance in our respective fields. All together, we then can explore new possibilities for Taiwan, inject new vitality, and shape a new vision for the benefits of a sustainable Earth.

The industrial prosperity takes time to build, not to mention if facing constant landscape change and transformation. New dilemmas emerge every year. WT is commits to giving priority to the purchase of green-label products, and the purchase amount has increased for consecutive years. We spent NTD15.66 million procuring green label products this year, an increase of 5% from last year. Our next step is to incorporate Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) including or which includes climate policy, GHG emissions, energy consumption and renewable energy in the aspects of strategic thinking and tactical execution to benefit the environment and social development.

We might have been ignorant, but we are ready to learn. Now that we are committed to achieving the goal of science-based net zero emissions, we no longer take climate change as an isolated issue. Most importantly, we will take joint actions to push forward the huge task of net zero emissions like a rolling stone. Beginning with Taiwan, we took a step forward to take voluntary inventory check in China and South Korea, and are actively planning to extend the effort to other operating countries such as Singapore, Japan, India, Vietnam and Malaysia where voluntary GHG inventory check is yet to be taken.

We implemented the digital optimization and developed various information technology systems at the same time maintained the information security. WT obtained ISO 27001 certification in 2022. Our employee headcount grew by 38.34%. Among them, 30% of the executives and 43% of the directors are female. For three consecutive years, we are recognized among the top 5% in the Taiwan Corporate Governance Evaluation.

With 2023 marking our 30th anniversary, we are committed to continuously and stably moving forward with integrity, partnership, focusing on core business and stepping into the world. We are determined to keep our aspiration and enthusiasm in pursuit of sustainability.


Sustainable Supply Chain

Supplier environmental and social management three goals In recent years, the proportion of purchases from the top 20 suppliers of WT’s revenue has reached more than 90% of the total group’s purchase amount. The relevant supplier management is also mainly focused on the top 20 suppliers. Considering WT as an

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Water Resource Management

Active implementation and education have achieved remarkable results in water conservation. The water intake at WT’s operating bases in Taiwan are mainly used for circulated water of air conditioners and daily-life water‭ ‬consumed by employees in office areas‭. ‬The water is entirely sourced from the local water companies‭ (‬fresh water‭)

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Letter from the CEO

Sustainability makes us see ourselves better. ESG is a game changer that has been drawing global attention.Indeed, the sustainability of the Earth determines the sustainability of an enterprise, and the pursuit of sustainability is meant to be part of our everyday practice. The implementation, advocating and learning of sustainability start

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Employee Relations

Employees are brought closer with diversified community activities. WT has seven major clubs‭. ‬They offer exclusive courses and activities for their members‭, ‬as well as a wide range of activities with different themes‭, ‬large and small‭, ‬for all employees to join‭. ‬A variety of public interest activities are organized to

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