Stakeholder Meeting

5 Key Facets to Identify Key Stakeholders

Through the AA1000 SES standard, WT identifies important stakeholders through five significant aspects: “responsibility, influence, tension, diverse viewpoints, and dependability”. Key stakeholders are identified into five categories: shareholders/banks, customers, employees, upstream suppliers, and other suppliers.

5 categories of key stakeholder meeting results

The five types of stakeholders encompass different values and interactions with WT’s operations. By negotiating through various communication methods, different departments continued to communicate and cooperate in 2021 to produce various results.

GRI Substantive Themes for Top 3 Issues

Based on the results of the sustainability issues survey, we analyzed the top three sustainability issues of interest to various stakeholders, and revealed the strategies, management approaches and plans for promoting these issues in relation to the substantive GRI themes.


Water Resources Management

Effective water conservation through promotion and implementation The main uses of water resources at each of WT Taiwan’s operating bases are recycled water for air-conditioning in office areas and water for employees’ daily use. The water discharged is mainly employees’ domestic sewage, which is discharged into the building’s pipeline and then enters the sewer system. The evaporation of water for air-conditioning is the main reason for consumption. As there is no valid statistical method for

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Ethical Management

Transparency, anti-corruptionConvergence with the global corporate governance business philosophy In 2020, WT developed the Social Policy & Code of Conduct, UNCAC Anti-corruption Policy, and the SDGs Policy. These standards align with global corporate governance and anti-corruption concepts and frameworks, including Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations, etc. WT has always believed that a social policy and code of conduct are core

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Focus on risk managementStrive for self-monitoring to align with the times WT has established a corporate governance structure to manage its business in accordance with the ROC Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We aim to pursue the long-term interests of our shareholders by enhancing corporate performance and accountability and by balancing the interests of our stakeholders.Under the Board of Directors are an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee

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Operational Mechanism for Sustainability Management

6 Step Protocol for Sustainability Issue Management WT voluntary enact sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental, social, corporate governance, and economic and trade compliance. Meanwhile, these sustainable policies and initiatives are all approved by the Board of Directors and published after the approval of the board’s chairman. In addition, the senior vice president Kerry Hsu was appointed as Chief Corporate Governance Officer by the Board of Directors in 2019 and established an “WT Microelectronics Sustainable

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