Financial Performance

Jumpstarting growth in 2021!
107% increase in profit for the year

Our operating revenue increased by 27% from NT$353.152 billion in 2020 to NT$447.896 billion in 2021. Our profit for the year increased by 107% from NT$3.795 billion in 2020 to NT$7.855 billion in 2021, increase of NT$4.06 billion.

Post-Pandemic Era Approaches, Positive Outlooks for Semiconductors

With the accelerated global digitization driven by the pandemic and the increased demand for energy saving and carbon reduction due to climate change, the main drive for growth in 2021 comes from as increased semiconductor content in electronic products and the rapid growth in applications such as automotive electronics, industrial control, data centers, and 5G communications. In the future, in addition to developing high-growth product markets and increasing customer penetration, we will continue to carry out digital optimization to continuously improve operational efficiency, optimize our operations management system, enhance our financial control system, and strengthen our human resources management to deepen our ability to provide added value in the semiconductor industry chain, thereby building a foundation for sustainable business operations.


Operations Profile

Strong revenue streamsSelected as one of the top 500 high-growth companies in Asia Pacific by 2021 Established in 1993, WT Microelectronics is a leading professional service provider focusing on the global semiconductor distribution industry. By providing superior supply chain management services to both vendors and customers, WT has successfully positioned itself as a pivotal liaison, bridging upstream and downstream partners. Aiming to co-define the product marketing strategy with upstream vendors as well as to reduce

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Analysis of important disclosure issues

Survey on 18 sustainability issues, 495 valid questionnaires returned In order to understand the concerns and expectations of important stakeholders on sustainability at WT, a survey questionnaire covering 18 sustainability issues was developed with reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and related issues in the industry, as well as information collected from sustainability reports of other related enterprise. The survey was sent to stakeholders via the responsible department, and 495 valid questionnaires were returned

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Energy management

Save Energy with Green Purchasing In 2021, WT’s total energy consumption is 8,168.08 GJ, of which the most important energy source is non-renewable electricity purchased from power companies, with electricity consumption accounting for 91.18% of the total consumption, while the rest is fuel used in ccompany work vehicles. In the future, depending on the overall energy policy and climate change issues, proper planning and setting will be made to target the use of renewable energy.

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Focus on risk managementStrive for self-monitoring to align with the times WT has established a corporate governance structure to manage its business in accordance with the ROC Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We aim to pursue the long-term interests of our shareholders by enhancing corporate performance and accountability and by balancing the interests of our stakeholders.Under the Board of Directors are an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee

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