Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction Standards
Responding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction

In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1% per annum in 2018 as the base year and raised to 2% per annum from 2022 compared to the base year.

In March 2022, the FSC released the Sustainable Development Roadmap, and WT also committed to include the Hong Kong Logistics Center and the Singapore Logistics Center in the GHG emissions inventory boundary from 2022 onwards and to include the operating bases of each subsidiary in the inventory from 2023 onwards, so as to complete the GHG inventory and verification of all the Group’s operating bases. In addition, the disclosure of quantitative data related to energy use, water resources and waste will focus on the operating sites in Taiwan in 2021, and the disclosure of data from other operating sites will be expanded year by year in the future.

At the same time, WT will continue to promote the spirit of environmental sustainability and actively participate in activities such as community environmental greening, ecological protection, recycling and reuse of resources and sharing of used items, so as to create a sustainable environment together.

Increasing the proportion of renewable energy use

To be in line with the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ plan to generate 20% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025 and the Paris Agreement’s goal of controlling the rate of temperature rise to a maximum of 2°C compared to the pre-industrial era, WT has started various renewable energy assessment programs since 2021 as a feasibility assessment for the future voluntary purchase of green electricity and renewable energy certificates, even though the company is not a major consumer of electricity or a major emitter of carbon emissions. It is a feasibility assessment for the future voluntary purchase of green electricity, renewable energy certificates, etc. to promote the enhancement of the proportion of renewable energy use and reduce WT’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Year-on-year increase in the share of environmental management costs

In order to fulfill its responsibility for environmental sustainability, WT has been actively implementing greenhouse gas inventories for many years, accepting third-party verification and expanding the geographical boundaries of inventories yearly, with the aim of seeking accurate and precise disclosure of various data and promoting various reduction programs, as well as increasing environmental management courses in various departments to implement the concept of sustainability for all employees. In addition, In 2021, WT invest about NT$1.53 million in environmental costs, and encouraging all managers to participate in education and training on environmental sustainability issues, thus significantly increasing the investment in environmental management.

Concerns about climate change and responses to international trends

In 2015, the United Nations formulated the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), hoping that through the collective attention of the world’s countries to climate change, the identification of risks and opportunities related to climate change by relevant stakeholders will be enhanced. WT also responded to the international trend to improve environment-oriented development.

Prioitize green labeled products and increase green procurement by 121% by 2021

In line with the Environmental Protection Administration’s policy of encouraging private enterprises to choose products with environmental protection labels, energy-saving labels, green building materials labels, water-saving labels, Type II environmental protection labels, and carbon footprint reduction labels, WT has pledged to give priority to the purchase of green labeled products. Green procurement amounted to NT$14.88 million in 2021, an increase of 121% compared to 2020, and WT was honored as a green consumption enterprise by the New Taipei City Government. In the future, WT will continue to actively promote green procurement and lead the social trend of purchasing green products in general.

Sort and recycle waste. Reuse packaging materials

In the course of operations, WT’s waste is mainly business-type waste and domestic waste generated by employees in the office. The logistics center also has waste related to outer boxes, cardboard, filling materials and sealing boxes, all of which are non-hazardous waste. In order to reduce the production of waste, WT insists on making every effort to properly separate waste, and all packaging materials required for logistics operations, such as outer boxes, cartons and cardboard, are made of recycled materials that can be recycled or will naturally decompose. WT also actively implements source reduction. The logistics centers in Taiwan and Hong Kong have received ISO 14001 certification in environmental management systems. In addition to the implementation of the recycling policy, waste is managed centrally and the quantity of waste is recorded and transported regularly.

In the future, we will continue to reduce the procurement of disposable consumer goods, give priority to the use of durable and recyclable products, step up efforts to promote waste reduction and carbon reduction among colleagues and implement waste separation and resource recovery and reuse.

Prevention management, develop improved security measures

In accordance with fire safety regulations, WT has set up various comprehensive protective facilities in the work environment and has delineated areas for fire prevention and management. We arranged for colleagues in charge of each floor to conduct regular inspections every month so as to prevent any possible disaster. Every year, staff members are sent to participate in fire drills and training activities organized by the Management Committee to understand the evacuation procedure forour park. Every year in March, external fire-fighting agencies carry out inspections and make reports, and fire-fighting establishments and drills are carried out in March and July every year to strengthen the escape and emergency response capabilities of the entire staff.


Tax Policy

Control of riskThe first step towards sound growth and sustainable operation Tax is the basis for governments to provide local infrastructure and public services, and is an important source of funding to advance global sustainable development goals. In response to changes in global tax environment, increasingly complex cross- border transactions and global anti-avoidance trends, we continue to interact and cooperate with tax authorities in countries where we operate. Under the trend of international tax equity,

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Sustainable Supply Chain

Discreet selection and gate-keepingBecome permanent partners with like-minded suppliers WT set a Social Policy & Code of Conduct. It is a guideline for WT and its business partners in their operational activities, which includes labor rights, health and safety, ethics, management system, etc. It expressly regulates the appropriate conduct of all operational activities and the commitment to continuous improvement. WT also communicates the guidelines to all types of suppliers and monitors them, so that only

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Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan makes up for the shortcomings with love In a special issue, Kerry Hsu, the co-founder of WT, wrote about the 30th anniversary of the premature birth of her baby, saying ′′Life is supposed to be beautiful, but there are always exceptions! When we encounter life’s shortcomings, it is certainly a journey of extraordinary and miraculous events. This miracle is to witness the grace of life, to feel the resilient will

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Ethical Management

Transparency, anti-corruptionConvergence with the global corporate governance business philosophy In 2020, WT developed the Social Policy & Code of Conduct, UNCAC Anti-corruption Policy, and the SDGs Policy. These standards align with global corporate governance and anti-corruption concepts and frameworks, including Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations, etc. WT has always believed that a social policy and code of conduct are core

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