Energy management

Save Energy with Green Purchasing

In 2021, WT’s total energy consumption is 8,168.08 GJ, of which the most important energy source is non-renewable electricity purchased from power companies, with electricity consumption accounting for 91.18% of the total consumption, while the rest is fuel used in ccompany work vehicles. In the future, depending on the overall energy policy and climate change issues, proper planning and setting will be made to target the use of renewable energy. Total electricity consumption in 2021 was 2.0688 million kWh, with an electricity consumption intensity (GJ/floor area) of 0.28 GJ/m2, a decrease of 8.72% compared to 2020, mainly due to a significant increase in the number of home-based office workers. Therefore, there was a reduction in office electricity consumption due to COVID-19 and the raising of the alert level to 3 in Taiwan beginning in May 2021. The energy intensity of gasoline and diesel fuel is closely related to the nature of the operating activities and is calculated based on the revenue. Gas and diesel energy intensity of 0.0016 GJ/million in 2021 – a significant decrease of 56.85% compared to 2020 due to reduced use of company vehicles as a result of reduced customer visits and the implementation of work from home measures for about three months because of COVID-19. Gasoline consumption was 22,064 liters in 2021, a 45.09% reduction compared to 2020; the vehicles which ran on diesel fuel were scrapped in 2020, so diesel consumption was 0 liters in 2021.

1:The inventory boundary covers WT Microelectronics, Morrihan International Corp., Techmosa International Inc., Maxtek Technology Co., Hongtech Electronics Co., Nuvision Technology, Inc., Brillnics (Taiwan )lnc., WT Joint Staff Welfare Committee, and other operating bases in Taiwan, in which 12 offices are added in Zhonghe and Hsinchu in 2021.

2:The data source for electricity is Taipower’s billing data, and the data source for gasoline and diesel is the EBCS Goldstream operating platform of CNPC.

3:Power conversion factor: 1 kWh of purchased power = 0.0036 GJ

4:Calorific value conversion coefficients for each energy source: The source is the calorific value table of energy products in the annual report of the Bureau of Energy Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs. 1 liter of motor gasoline = 7,800 kcal, 1 liter of diesel = 8,400 kcal

5:1 kcal = 4,186 joules

6:The denominator used for electricity intensity is floor area, please refer to Note 7 for greenhouse gas emission intensity; the denominator used for gasoline and diesel intensity is annual revenue, please refer to 3-2 Financial Performance for historical operating revenue.


Information Security

Enhancement of information security protection capacityBecoming a Tier 1 operation Delivering products to customers on time is the basis of WT’s operations, and system downtime will result in delayed delivery or the inability to deliver products. WT expects to become an enterprise with first-class operational capability in the industry, and a high degree of information security capability is the cornerstone for providing quality services. Third-party organizations such as international certifications and red team assessment are

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Talent recruitment

people-orientedOur employees’ team spirit is the biggest driving force for the company WT understands that people are the most important capital of an enterprise and that the company’s greatest impetus for progress comes from its highly motivated employees! In order to create a better working environment for employees and attract outstanding professionals to join the company, WT complies with the laws and regulations of the the areas where its operating bases are located. The Social

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Health management

Regular health check-ups and exercise encouragement Enhancing our staff’s overall resistance to the pandemic WT provides annual physicals for employees that are superior to standard ones, and plans diversified support programs. In addition to legal items, employees can also customize the contents of their physicals. After the physical, professional teams will analyze the reports and follow up on any abnormalities. In addition, WT has also set up a full-time healthcare manager to assist colleagues with

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Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction StandardsResponding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1%

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