WT Sustainability Report

By designing a connection through the veins of a living leaf, WT Microelectronics demonstrates its care and concern for sustainable ESG development.


In the face of the global focus on ESG, sustainability is our daily pursuit. As a link in the supply chain, we advocate to avoid harming the earth, strive to coexist with the environment, and expand our enterprise's care for our planet's sustainability.

Focus on risk management Strive for self-monitoring to align with the times

WT has established a corporate governance structure to manage our operations in accordance with the ROC Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We aim to pursue the long-term interests of our shareholders by enhancing corporate performance and accountability and by balancing the interests of our stakeholders.

Awarded Taiwan iSports Certification Bringing each other closer through group activities

WT encourages our staff to create and join employee clubs in favor of not only their mental and physical health, but also their pursuit of interests outside work. In particular, the club activities build personal connections among staff, and their participation in external games and matches increase the employees' interest and involvement in sports.

Shining Hope
A photography-inspired learning program by WT Microelectronics

Based on the spirit of "diversified development, happy learning" and "caring for the disadvantaged and giving back to society", the WT Foundation launched SHINING HOPE: A Photography-Inspired Learning Program in 2021. In so doing, we transformed from a sponsor to a practitioner at the front line!


ESG report

WT set up the "WT Microelectronics' ESG Sustainable Development Group" to live up to the ESG trend. The Group assumes responsibility for the coordination and the planning of economic, environmental and social sustainability issues, keeping abreast of current trends, and eventually perfectly implanting ESG policies in Taiwan that align with international practices.

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Green Design

Consistent Green Thinking Promote low-loss,high-performance semiconductor components Product design should not only be concerned with the cost, function and quality of the product, but also the potential impact of the product on the environment. We prioritize the selection of parts and components that can improve energy efficiency and do not use harmful substances to achieve energy efficiency, carbon reduction and green requirements.Semiconductor components are an important part of electronic products. In line with the green design mindset, semiconductor components that are used must have low-loss and high-performance characteristics, and WT is strengthening the promotion of green and high-performance semiconductor component …

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Climate Change Response

Promote TCFD project to initiate climate change management The risks of climate change brought about by global warming may cause unanticipated operational impacts. As an important enterprise in the electronic product distribution business, WT should play a leading role at both the top and bottom of the chain the top and bottom of the chain, and at the same time fully understanding the risks and opportunities that climate change may bring in the electronic industry chain. In 2021, WT initiated the introduction of a climate change risk management project in response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) …

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Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction StandardsResponding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1% per annum in 2018 as the base year and raised to 2% per annum from 2022 compared to the base year. In March 2022, the …

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Energy management

Save Energy with Green Purchasing In 2021, WT’s total energy consumption is 8,168.08 GJ, of which the most important energy source is non-renewable electricity purchased from power companies, with electricity consumption accounting for 91.18% of the total consumption, while the rest is fuel used in ccompany work vehicles. In the future, depending on the overall energy policy and climate change issues, proper planning and setting will be made to target the use of renewable energy. Total electricity consumption in 2021 was 2.0688 million kWh, with an electricity consumption intensity (GJ/floor area) of 0.28 GJ/m2, a decrease of 8.72% compared to …

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Sustainable Supply Chain

Discreet selection and gate-keepingBecome permanent partners with like-minded suppliers WT set a Social Policy & Code of Conduct. It is a guideline for WT and its business partners in their operational activities, which includes labor rights, health and safety, ethics, management system, etc. It expressly regulates the appropriate conduct of all operational activities and the commitment to continuous improvement. WT also communicates the guidelines to all types of suppliers and monitors them, so that only those suppliers who adopt the same standards as those pledged will be WT’s partners for continuous collaboration. In addition, environmental protection and safety are also …

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Water Resources Management

Effective water conservation through promotion and implementation The main uses of water resources at each of WT Taiwan’s operating bases are recycled water for air-conditioning in office areas and water for employees’ daily use. The water discharged is mainly employees’ domestic sewage, which is discharged into the building’s pipeline and then enters the sewer system. The evaporation of water for air-conditioning is the main reason for consumption. As there is no valid statistical method for water discharge and water consumption, only the amount of water withdrawn is disclosed. Water withdrawal in 2021 is 11.14 million liters (ML), a decrease of …

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Ethical Management

Transparency, anti-corruptionConvergence with the global corporate governance business philosophy In 2020, WT developed the Social Policy & Code of Conduct, UNCAC Anti-corruption Policy, and the SDGs Policy. These standards align with global corporate governance and anti-corruption concepts and frameworks, including Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations, etc. WT has always believed that a social policy and code of conduct are core requirements for conducting all operational activities in order to gain a competitive advantage and to do the right thing. The high ethical standards of all …

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Information Security

Enhancement of information security protection capacityBecoming a Tier 1 operation Delivering products to customers on time is the basis of WT’s operations, and system downtime will result in delayed delivery or the inability to deliver products. WT expects to become an enterprise with first-class operational capability in the industry, and a high degree of information security capability is the cornerstone for providing quality services. Third-party organizations such as international certifications and red team assessment are used to assist in the review. With enhanced information security protection and employee security awareness, no sensitive information was leaked in 2021, and there were …

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Tax Policy

Control of riskThe first step towards sound growth and sustainable operation Tax is the basis for governments to provide local infrastructure and public services, and is an important source of funding to advance global sustainable development goals. In response to changes in global tax environment, increasingly complex cross- border transactions and global anti-avoidance trends, we continue to interact and cooperate with tax authorities in countries where we operate. Under the trend of international tax equity, WT implements corporate governance and establishes a corporate tax culture through the formulation of tax governance policies and transfer pricing policies, while taking into account …

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Digital Optimization

Introducing RPAEstablish efficient and highly automated processes and systems To improve various major operation efficiency and enhance corporate insight, WT advances continuously on process optimization. By promoting digital optimization, we can internally set up new operations to match the current scale and help automate operations and reports for relevant operation units. Externally, we can promote B2B transaction operations to vendors and customers by linking them with Electronic Data Interchange, further establish efficient standard operation processes and management mechanisms, so that the person in charge of various departments can immediately grasp data changes and deploy relevant strategies and response in advance. …

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Financial Performance

Jumpstarting growth in 2021!107% increase in profit for the year Our operating revenue increased by 27% from NT$353.152 billion in 2020 to NT$447.896 billion in 2021. Our profit for the year increased by 107% from NT$3.795 billion in 2020 to NT$7.855 billion in 2021, increase of NT$4.06 billion. Post-Pandemic Era Approaches, Positive Outlooks for Semiconductors With the accelerated global digitization driven by the pandemic and the increased demand for energy saving and carbon reduction due to climate change, the main drive for growth in 2021 comes from as increased semiconductor content in electronic products and the rapid growth in applications …

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Focus on risk managementStrive for self-monitoring to align with the times WT has established a corporate governance structure to manage its business in accordance with the ROC Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We aim to pursue the long-term interests of our shareholders by enhancing corporate performance and accountability and by balancing the interests of our stakeholders.Under the Board of Directors are an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee and a Risk Management Committee. The Risk Management Committee is composed of three independent directors, the Chairman and the CFO, and is responsible for submitting …

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Practitioners who give back to the community


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Under the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for reporting principles, WT conducted a six-step negotiation process,following the principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, the context of sustainability, materiality and completeness for sustainability issue management, to identify key stakeholders, important issues for disclosure, and to define the scope of information disclosed in the report. Through the AA1000 SES standard, WT identifies important stakeholders through five significant aspects: "responsibility, influence, tension, diverse viewpoints, and dependability". Key stakeholders are identified into five categories: shareholders/banks, customers, employees, upstream suppliers, and other suppliers.
We identified eighteen sustainability aspects for investigation and impact assessment out of the information we have been collecting since 2021 about international sustainability-related standards, aspects of ESG ratings by investment institutions and criteria of bench-marking companies. A further analysis resulted in seven themes mapped to GRI’s fourteen substantive themes. The seven key themes were adopted as the disclosure basis for the 2021 sustainability report, which are information security, financial performance, integrity management, talent attraction and retention, talent development, sustainable supply chain and climate change.
This report was first issued in 2017 and has since been issued annually. It is based on the overall performance of WT group's operations based in Taiwan with subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, South Asia, Korea, and Japan, throughout the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2021, in terms of economic, social and environmental performances. The significant are disclosed as Taiwan, Hong Kong, the PRC, South Asia, Korea and Japan, and are not otherwise specified in subsequent reports. In addition, the comparability of information and data for the last five years are considered and disclosed. Some performance information is only disclosed for the first three years due to the information not yet being collected by the system or the accuracy of the data not yet able to be confirmed.
WT voluntary enact sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental, social, corporate governance, and economic and trade compliance. Meanwhile, these sustainable policies and initiatives are all approved by the Board of Directors and published after the approval of the board's chairman.

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The Board of Directors is the highest governing body of WT. The ninth term of the Board was elected on 21 June 2019 for a term of three years and consists of seven directors who pursue a policy of diversity to strengthen the development of corporate governance. Three of the Board members are independent directors (42.86% of all directors are independent directors) and three of the Board members are women (42.86% of all directors are women). Two of the directors are employees (28.57% of all directors are employee directors). The Board of Directors meets at least once a quarter to monitor the achievement of the Company's operational goals and performance, provide strategic guidance to the management team, and supervise the Company's compliance with laws and regulations to ensure the best interests of shareholders. In 2016, which stipulates that the Board of Directors and functional committees shall conduct internal self-evaluation on a regular basis every year and be evaluated by an external independent institution or an external team of academic experts at least once every three years. The evaluation results shall be reported to the Board of Directors, and the evaluation results shall be used as reference for the payment of individual directors' remuneration and the nomination of directors for re-election.
The fourth term of Remuneration Committee is composed of two independent directors and one independent member. The purpose of the Committee is to make objective and professional recommendations to the Board of Directors, taking into account the Company's operational performance, and to assist the Board of Directors in implementing and evaluating the Company's overall compensation and welfare policies. In addition, the remuneration of directors and managers is determined and reviewed in accordance with the "Procedures for Remuneration of Directors and Functional Committee Members" and "Remuneration for Managers" as necessary to strike a balance between sustainable management and risk control.
In accordance with the Procurement Management Regulations to evaluate suppliers, WT added the Management Points for General Service Suppliers in 2020, requiring general service suppliers at each operating base in Taiwan to sign the Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Pledge and fill out the online Supplier Self-Assessment Form. The self-assessment includes the operation and provision of products and services with special attention to no significant negative impact on the environment or violation of environmental regulations, and the social policies and codes of conduct of suppliers and environmental standards are evaluated accordingly. In addition, we evaluate the supplier's social policies, code of conduct, and environmental standards. In addition to quality, technology and finance, social responsibility, labor practices and environmental protection will also be included in the evaluation. If the evaluation results do not meet the requirements, the supplier will be counseled through supplier meetings on how to improve the situation. If the re-evaluation still fails to meet the management requirements, the transaction volume will be reduced or not renewed.
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WT recruits through multiple channels, such as job bank websites, online platforms (LinkedIn, CakeResume, Blink, etc.), campus career development centers, cooperation with various university faculties and departments, as well as internal peer recommendations. WT seeks out outstanding talented individuals who meet our core values, and provides comprehensive training and development programs to effectively transform learning into work achievements, so as to store momentum for coping with rapid changes in the future.
In response to the rapid growth of operations, WT has been able to meet the group's long-term development strategy and secure talent in advance. We have optimized the group's personnel mix in terms of level, number and structure to give it an overall competitive advantage in the future. By the end of 2021, the number of employees at WT has grown to 2,564, an increase of 211 (8.97%) compared to 2020, including female employees comprising 40.68%. Women accounted for 28.90% of the supervisory level staff, 26.10% of the midlevel and above, and 44.00% of the staff at the nonsupervisory level.
To provide a better career pathway program, WT launched the ″Want Talent″ elite training program. In addition to soft skills and technical courses, through job rotation training and participation in important projects and largescale conferences, employees can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the core concepts of the company's operation. Furthermore, senior executives and the human resources department will regularly show care for employees, provide career guidance, and plan individual advancement goals and development, so as to keep them in a changing and challenging work environment. WT introduced the "WT e-Learning Academy," a digital learning platform that combines online and in-person learning. Over the past three years, due to the pandemic, learning styles have changed and the proportion of digital learning has increased. Based on our training development plan, WT e-Learning Academy has established five-course categories, combining e-newsletters, knowledge center, and online courses to integrate internal and external resources and enrich the platform's contents.
WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between employers and employees. Work rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and relevant laws and regulations, and Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles has also been formulated to specifically regulate the rights and obligations of both employers and employees in management matters, so that employees can fully understand them and comply with and protect their legitimate rights and interests. WT informs employees of any changes in the operating conditions before the statutory minimum notification period in order to protect the rights and interests of employees.
WT follows various international human rights conventions and initiatives such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO). We have formulated a Social Policy and Code of Conduct, which was signed by the Chairman and published on the company's official website as a standard for all employees, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders to follow.
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WT set up a dedicated information security department in 2022. With a dedicated manager and two dedicated staff to focus on information security incident investigation, system vulnerability disclosure, and the assessment and implementation of new information security architecture. In addition, WT will evaluate the implementation of ISO 27001 to reduce the threat and impact of information security incidents through formalized and systematic control and management.
In the second half of 2021, WT introduced security awareness training and planned a basic phishing course and a discovery phishing game course. In 2021, 4,198 training sessions were completed (100% completion rate). Through video presentation and interactive teaching, we have enhanced our staff's knowledge and awareness of information security and integrated security awareness into their daily work through continuous social engineering practices.
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In order to respond to the development of the country's overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1% per annum in 2018 as the base year and raised to 2% per annum from 2022 compared to the base year.
In line with the green design mindset, semiconductor components that are used must have low-loss and high-performance characteristics, and WT is strengthening the promotion of green and high-performance semiconductor component products so that clients can adhere to the design concepts and principles of environmental protection, energy efficiency and optimization. In addition, through our understanding of market development trends and our mastery of low-consumption and high-efficiency product application technologies, WT continues to promote and provide education and training on low-consumption and high-efficiency products, providing clients with suitable low-consumption and high-efficiency product solutions or reference designs and assisting clients in realizing green designs. Meanwhile, all logistics center operations have been integrated with advanced logistics information systems, enabling paperless electronic operations.
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